Exclusive Interview - with Andrew Perrie Revel Realty Inc.
Hello readers!! We're really excited to inform you that we had an amazing interview session with Andrew Perrie, Director of Recruitment of Revel Realty Inc. . As we are all aware how the real estate market has been impacted by the pandemic, however, brokerages have still managed to stay strong even in this unprecedented time, Revel Realty Inc. is one of them.

During these unprecedented times, most of the businesses are struggling to find the best marketing agency as their listings are getting affected, they are unable to maintain the flow of leads, get more clients and retain them for longer. To achieve all this, they need to have an impressive website as branding is of the utmost importance for running the business successfully.
When asked how Revel Realty is coping with quarantine times, and how Andrew got started in the business, Andrew Perrie, Director of Recruitment of Revel Realty Inc., shared his views saying, he decided that he needed a change in his life while he was working for an American corporate company. That's when he got into real estate and it's been a dream job ever since. Like any other real estate brokerage, Revel has also experienced variety of challenges during the COVID-19 times, such as a drop in market activity, adapting to physical distancing requirements, attaining new business and fostering our current client base and ensuring their transactions can be fulfilled in a safe manner. Revel knew that it a lot of work to do to ensure the safety measures, education and support for our realtors and of course had to stand out in the marketplace. The only way to do that was taking a closer look into what safety precautions were needed, providing new technology options and creating engaging content that was different than anyone else's!

Revel knows that they need helpful content that agents can use to benefit their own careers. They believe it's crucial that all of their agents have access to the same information and strategies used by the top agents and the support needed provided by the brokerage to ensure they can run their business efficiently. "We all win when we have equal opportunities to grow our business and enjoy our careers.", says Andrew. Currently, Revel has 160+ agents, 7 locations and #1 Independent Brokerage 4 years in a row in Niagara region, which is completely spectacular!
Here, read about the visibly social media realtor, who is tirelessly promoting his real estate ventures online, Andrew Perrie's interview session with Techrangle Director, Riju Vashisht. 😊

Riju: "Hey Andrew! Good morning. Thanks for joining our session for sharing your knowledge of real estate business which is useful for new and upcoming agents in 2020."
Andrew: "Absolutely Riju! First of all, thank you very much for inviting me on your blog and giving an exclusive slot to us. We want to spread information as we are a bigger community in the market."
Riju: "That's really wonderful to know! So, as you are Director of Recruitment of Revel Realty Inc, what it's like to be a realtor in Revel, if someone joins Revel as a new salesperson or a realtor, what difference would they see and what would be their day like?"
Andrew: "I would love to answer this question, Riju. Firstly, the person meets with me and we have a conversation about business goals. Then, from there, once the person gets hired, they meet with Emile Barry our Director of Realtor Growth and Development, and get started on their business plan right away. Then, the newcomer gets introduced to everybody and we have a new realtor checklist. The best thing about Revel Ed is that, as soon as new realtors start with us, they get a one-on-one mentor, who checks their paperwork, help them with social media and everything else a new realtor would need to ensure success in their first year."
Riju: "Do you have any programs or training sessions for your agents?"
Andrew: "Yes, we do have training programs to assist our agents named 'Revel Ed' as well as in depth business building courses for continued support and education. If you are a new realtor, you are automatically enrolled in Revel Ed, where you are trained by experienced and award winning realtors in the fields of marketing, branding, self promotion, contract expertise, and property prospecting. If you are a seasoned realtor, you are invited to collaborate with promoted mentors for the purpose of exploring team leadership and potential new branch opportunities. We do have customized programs for each and every agent. For experienced ones, we do have a key person who conducts a meeting with the agent to analyze their portfolios, and allocates leads to them accordingly. Their full focus is on maximizing living their best life and being as successful as they want to."
Riju: "Now, we would like to know that are you considering to open any franchise, what criteria would you consider to select a realtor to open your business's franchise?"
Andrew: "Yes, historically what we have done is that we have tried to work with realtors who are dedicated towards their business. We tried to choose realtors whom we know, who work hard. Having said that, we are working on franchise distribution network plan, that's what you can expect in the future."
Riju: "Going further into serious conversation about post-pandemic impact on the real estate industry, we would like to know what activities you perform at Revel Realty, and how the pandemic has changed your daily schedule. We want to know more how you are working in this unprecedented time."
Andrew: "In regards to my own business, I mean my business has definitely been impacted. We are doing our best to engage with our clients on a regular basis. It has become a little bit challenging to show our clients that we can support them, especially, when it's all online, when there is so much uncertainty in the marketplace. At the same time, assisting our clients to feel more comfortable in being involved in the marketplace if that's what they want/need to do at this time. I know that a lot of agents who are struggling in handling the day-to-day work required to complete transactions, such as showing homes to clients safely, doing marketing activities, lead management and conversions.We want to express that we all are in this together, taking all preventive measures necessary and doing what needs to get done in order to continue having success under the current circumstance."
Riju: "Wow! That's really amazing. The explanation you gave gives a complete idea why an agent would work for you and grow with you. I'm 100% sure that our readers would be really glad to know your views on the after-effects of COVID-19."
Andrew: "Well, as per my opinion, we are gonna see an increase in the buyers leading the GTA, especially because of what's going on maybe because of restrictions or lockdown or maybe simply people are becoming a little more safe by going into less dense areas. If you look on my projection, I think there will be an increase of buyers and I think they are gonna be coming from outside to the inside of the Niagara region and I think that the home prices are gonna be going up. I think multiple offers are gonna be coming back, what we are seeing in the Niagara region right now is multiple offers, and if a home is listed at a decent price that matches the condition of the home, we've seen those homes sell for listing price or much higher. So, we're seeing it already!"
Riju: "I see. You're seeing it already. So, my next question is will the real estate market go up depending on what the weather conditions will be and when the government will remove some restrictions and allow people to go out and then the buyers will take this as an opportunity. So, what's your take on this?"
Andrew: "Yeah, absolutely. We see that the market has been impacted in terms of activity but the actual price of the homes that are selling are remaining strong. So, two weeks from now, the markets can be booming and if there's another spike in cases we might see it go down again, but based on what I'm seeing at this current time, it looks like we are headed into another 2016, 2017 market. To help put it in perspective, in my own personal business, we are working more now, we have so many leads, more than 300 buyers in our direct database looking for properties. With the nicer weather we are seeing more and more buyers coming into the market."
Riju: "Yeah, I can see that. I'm very optimistic about that as well. You're absolutely right that it's a short-term impact but in the long-term I think prices will definitely go up because there will be opportunities, new houses and new areas will be discovered, as you mentioned that people will try to go to lesser denser areas due to the pandemic. I think people's mindset has been changed, they would prefer outdoor locations for property purchases, so, I definitely think that's an opportunity, but, do you also think that there will be more supply in the market because of that?"
Andrew: "Well, that's a tough question because everyday changes, the average homes coming out on the market last week were anywhere between 30 to 60+ listings a day, which is pretty standard even in a non-pandemic sense. But, everything's changing daily, we see buyers are a little bit more picky right now because they want to make sure if the lockdown continues, they are 100% comfortable in their home and can enjoy their new space. We have got homes that are unsold for several months, but other ones that are priced well, are selling very quick."
Riju: "Our readers might be interested to know what patterns have changed in terms of real estate, like newer regulations came into place from RECO, what are things like for an agent? What should buyers and sellers of properties be aware of as things are changing so rapidly, they aren't properly informed, so, they are facing these challenges. So, what can be done?"
Andrew: "I think the best thing that we can do as agents to help in navigating the real estate market for our clients is by making sure that the buyers are ready to buy and can afford to buy within the price range they are looking in. Also, we need to make sure that they are not just choosing homes that they want to see, but they can actually see themselves living in them, because it's something that we don't want to risk from a safety perspective, people need to buy and sell and let's not waste any time by seeing homes that you might not necessarily be interested in. It's not business as usual and we want to minimize the risk of potentially catching or passing COVID."
Riju: "Well, that's absolutely right. So, you mean that if they get the pre-approvals, and do the complete process with documentation to prepare clients that once things get better, they can be ready to purchase their dream home. Right?"
Andrew: "Yes, definitely, everybody is prepared. It's essential because probably because the house that your buyer wants in this market right now, probably other buyers also want that right now, so, it's important to be fully prepared with what buyers want to buy."
Riju: "You mentioned that you are still doing team meetings even though there is a worry in the market that what'll happen if people will stop buying houses. Do you see any impact on your sales as well?"
Andrew: "Yeah, of course, due to this pandemic markets are impacted. But, still there are realtors who are strong and are still having success in this market. We have definitely seen a decrease in our sales, but at the same time, we are strong enough that we can get through this."
Riju: "Amazing! I'm sure our readers would be amazed by getting insights of this accomplished real estate business. It was an amazing experience with you and we are really thankful to you for joining us and providing a lot of valuable information to educate our readers about your business as well as real estate in general. Have a great day!!"
Revel Realty Inc., based in Niagara, Ontario, Canada, is a modern, full-service real estate brokerage representing clients in a broad spectrum of classes, including but not limited to single-family residential, new development, vacant land condominiums, commercial real estate, and property consultation.

Revel aspires to create unique value proposition by closing real estate transactions enthusiastically as well as ensuring their clients that they have selected the best realtor to assist them in buying or selling real estate properties. With five state of the art offices, a full administration team, in-house professional photographers, writers, and not to mention one of the most reputable New Home Builders in Niagara, a Mortgage specialist, an esteemed real estate lawyer, experienced brokers and it's own in-house professional marketing team that specialize in video, photography, print/desktop publishing and motion graphics; Revel is setting a platinum standard for client service in the real estate industry.
We really hope that you guys loved our exclusive interview session with Andrew Perrie. If you are Brokerage, Realtor, or Salesperson and want to be our guest of weekly exclusive blog interview then email us at admin@techrangle.com.
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Disclaimer:- This was an unpaid interview, If you have any concerns and query or you find any information which is incorrect please email us at admin@techrangle.com