How to become a Real Estate Agent in Canada
Do you want to become a real estate agent but have no idea how to start things? Well, buying and selling in real estate is not as easy as it seems to be. Currently, the competition is booming in the industry making it tough for newbies to enter.
When you become a real estate agent, you master the art of selling, negotiating and communicating. For making property buying decisions, buyers are always looking for an agent as they have loads of expertise and connections with people within the industry.

One has to obtain license in order to become a real estate agent. There is a proper procedure laid down by each province's Real Estate Association for obtaining a real estate agent license. We will be discussing about every step one by one to guide you through the process :)
The first and foremost step is to get yourself certified by completing the real estate licensing course. Every Canadian province has its own real estate program, but all the programs are fairly similar to each other. For your convenience, many real estate programs are being delivered online in most of the provinces.

After getting your real estate certification, you would most likely head towards securing a job in a brokerage agency, which would help to sponsor your real estate licensing application. During that tenure, you might experience certain issues which need to be addressed to make yourself sure whether you want to build a career in the real estate industry or not.

Worked under a real estate brokerage for a couple of years? Now its time to apply for your real estate license! Submit your application to the real estate association of your province. Majority of the provinces hold a written exam for evaluating whether you are eligible to receive a real estate license or not. If your application gets approved, you will need to pay the licensing fee.

You need to obtain Errors and Omissions Insurance (E&O) by your province's real estate association to become a fully licensed real estate agent. It is a professional liability insurance which safeguards companies and its workers if they experience damages or any other mishappenings at the workplace. Thereafter, you have to do professional practice under a senior real estate mentor - from your selected real estate company, to practice the activities performed by real estate agents under the training period.

Whoa! You've gone through all the steps for becoming a real estate agent, now you need to look for your first client :) Ultimately, you'll start your own website and run your marketing campaigns using online platforms to commence generating leads and making sales to take your first steps in becoming the top real estate agent through consistent efforts.
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